February 12, 2022

15 February 2022

System levels When doing OD&D work, you will want to think about what level of the organisation system you are working with and how they interact with each other. Macro-level In doing any strategy, business model, design work you’ll want to consider both the internal and external factors that

19 March 2022

The question “is my organisation design right?” is often asked by leaders and stakeholders. The Covid-19 pandemic itself has provided a test of ‘rightness’ to many aspects of our organisations’ designs. Companies like Amazon with their robust customer website and logistics network, whilst already thriving passed a test of

19 March 2022

Frameworks, models and theories are all useful. But what if we get so used to them we start to have unconscious biases? Peter Senge uses the Ladder of Inference to explain how our beliefs impact how we select available data. And what if we determine a problem is unsolvable
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