organisation design methodology


There are multiple design approaches out there. From the Design Council’s double diamond to Deloitte’s more staged approach. So while there’s not a requirement to create a new one, I wanted something that better balanced conceptual design thinking and how in the real (corporate) world, a staged approach is required. I wanted to show that often you’re moving around the different stages – sometimes you’re leaping ahead and sometimes you’re going back to fill in something that was missing. But most importantly, whilst conveying all of this, I wanted it to be easily understood. So here’s what I came up with.[1]In generating my approach, I tool a look at stuff from Naomi Stanford, the Design Council, Deloitte, Andrew Campbell, Peter Block, the UK Civil Service OD&D Network and no doubt whatever else … Continue reading

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organisation design methodology

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References and notes

References and notes
1 In generating my approach, I tool a look at stuff from Naomi Stanford, the Design Council, Deloitte, Andrew Campbell, Peter Block, the UK Civil Service OD&D Network and no doubt whatever else popped up on my search engine.


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