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19 March 2022

Introduction There are multiple design approaches out there. From the Design Council’s double diamond to Deloitte’s more staged approach. So while there’s not a requirement to create a new one, I wanted something that better balanced conceptual design thinking and how in the real (corporate) world, a staged approach is required. I wanted

16 January 2022

Working in a large and complex organisation of organisations is challenging. I enjoy the challenge most of the time. As an organisation design and development leader I make sure I undertake supervision, do a lot of CPD and spend a lot of time making sure I reflect and take care

1 February 2022

Discussing ethics and consultancies with a friend (it’s perfectly acceptable for you to decide right now you’re never inviting us to a dinner party), specifically the big names that monopolise the market, we shifted our thinking from believing their only business model was “do work but ensure it leads

15 January 2022

I have had the pleasure of meeting Jenny in preparing a workshop for organisation development practitioners on embodying resilience. Here’s how she explains what she does on her own website: My work centres on training people for leadership in a volatile, complex and ecologically stressed world. I work systemically,
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